Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I Like this Guy

Some among the audience of Dubai-based diplomats and analysts complained that American wars in the Middle East were already threatening the region's stability and asked Burns to sort out Iraq and the
Israel-Palestinian conflict before turning attention to Iran.

"What we are not interested in is another war in the region," Mohammed al-Naqbi, who heads the Gulf Negotiations Center, told Burns. "Iraq is your problem, not the problem of the Arabs. You destroyed a country that had institutions. You handed that country to Iran. Now you are crying to Europe and the Arabs to help you out of this mess."

Not enough people are willing to stand up to the US and tell the truth. Considering the harm we have done starting wars willy-nilly in that region, it continues to amaze me that more middle eastern government officials have not taken the bush/cheney cabal to task. They have to be outraged. It's not like their region didn't have any problems to begin with. But then to have a white christian military power with a bad attitude travel eight thousand miles to start not just one, but TWO wars in your neighborhood has got to be a source of irritation. And now, with two countries ruined, two bloody conflicts raging, the United States of ADD is working up it's mojo to attack yet a third sovereign nation.

And yet, while less enthusiastic then they were a few years ago, the leadership of most countries in the area seem oddly reluctant to question America's destructive behavior. Mubarak, Abdullah, al Sabah, they all seem to be unwilling to call attention to the real disaster that has befallen their region as a direct result of American military intervention. Sure, they have a historical reason to hate and fear the Persians, but Iran would not be in a position to dominate the discussion if they had not been the direct beneficiary of the American Iraq debacle.

Between an increasingly militarized, nuclear armed Israel and an America that can only be seen as a heavily armed lunatic, to continue to ally themselves with the west to the exclusion of what must be described as better global citizens seems to me not to be in their best interest.


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